Friday, September 10, 2010

Design a Quote

Revisited: [top picture] I gave the words a bit more space so everything wasn't as clustered as before. I also further emphasized  "today" because my eye kept skipping over it beforehand.
This is by far my favorite quote ever, and I worked to illustrate its concept of the world not ending by tracing eastern portion of Asia and, of course, Australia with words found in the quote. Around Asia, Indonesia, and New Guinea, the word "ending" is used as an outline. "already tomorrow in Australia" is used to outline Australia. In the quote itself, I colored the most emphasized word, tomorrow, red to signify its importance. I also added a shadow for extra emphasis. To conclude, don't worry about the world ending today, because it's already tomorrow in Australia :)
In this design a quote, there are also several principles of design. All of the "world"s creating the circle are in alignment, creating a stronger emphasis on the concept of the world mentioned in this quote. There is repetition through the repeating words in all of the outlines, which emphasizes certain parts of the quote itself. This illustration has more asymmetrical balance than symmetrical, but the quote itself is presented in a very symmetrical fashion. There is also strong emphasis on the word "tomorrow", seeing as the point of this quote is to illustrate that tomorrow will be a better day. There is also slight emphasis on "ending" because that is the main worry that many people have (as in their life crashing to shambles, not the world physically ending...) Altogether, the elements combined create a unified illustration of the quote that greatly conveys its meaning.


  1. love love love this. i watched while you were making this :) hahaha not in a freaky way, i just sit next to you annnnd it was the coolest thing ever to watch you make it! don't be scared. i was admiring :D
