Friday, October 1, 2010

Recreate a Picture - Hard Rock Cafe

Pictured at the top is my rendition of the Hard Rock Cafe sign (real picture below mine). I have never actually been to this place, but the sign is pretty awesome. I used the pen tool for the outline of the main components, and then various shape tools for most everything else. I had a bit of trouble getting the lights to go into the very top of the guitar, so they don't look as good as they could. But overall, I think it turned out really cool :)


  1. Wow, this is AMAZING! I love how you created every little detail, like the lights around the guitar and the little numbers on the knobs on the guitar. Good job!

  2. Amazing! You did great!
    Yeah, I could see how the lights were a bit tricky. But overall I agree, it's really cool. c:
