Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Personal Expression

Here's my personal expressions picture. There are stars and rectangles in the background, the stars signifying the apparent randomness of my personality, and the squares signifying that even though I have a random lifestyle, I don't change much, providing a bit of rigidity to my life. The gradient also changes from the top right corner to the bottom right, representing my change over time. Purple and blue are two of my favorite colors, so I decided to use them as my main color scheme, and also, they are cool colors, which fits my laid back personality. The opacity of a specific word represents the importance of that trait in my life. For example, "artist", is more opaque than "nerd", showing it's lesser significance. There are also several elements of design in my expression. The traced picture of me looking awesome provides a vertical line, which draws the eye to the word "awesome" which is one of the main focuses of the picture. The bold words in the impact font also draw the eye further down the page to "Camille", which takes you back to the picture of me and then back up to the top. I threw in a couple of small drawings such as the light bulb over "intelligent" and the music note at the top for added emphasis on those words. Certain words are also kerned to fit their meaning, like "reserved". It is kerned very tightly. This was overall pretty fun to make! And if you missed it, the word "sneaky..." is right above "astronomer" :)

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